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Not Your Final Girl Podcast– Chattanooga Film Festival 2022 Recap

Candace and Ariel come at you fresh out of the Chattanooga Film Fest 2022, ghouls. Corie and Sarah, hosts of Gag Me With a Chainsaw, help wrap up another year of dark, weird, devastating and hilarious indie features and shorts. Yes, they spent entire days watching movies. Yes, their brains are whirring loudly and hot to the touch. And they’ve brought you the fruits of their filmgoing labor – some stuff to check out as soon as you get a chance.

They’ve got a video camera that can see into the past, a guy who can’t get rid of a bag of dirt, a possessed roommate, several haunted houses, several orgies – one involving a priest – a death by plunger, our good buddy Rob Zombie, and Corie’s curated I-hate-my-job shorts collection. Sound interesting? Come hang.

A very long Movies Discussed this time (all assumed to be 2022)

Shorts: Argus, Break Any Spell, Cruise, Dirtbag, Every Time We Meet for Ice Cream Your Whole F*****g Face Explodes, Guts, Hell Hole, Pretty Pickle, Reklaw, Skeletons, Visitors, Why Is It So Warm on Christmas?

Features: Bitch Ass, Chicken House, The Creeping, Cryo, Dawn Breaks Behind the Eyes, History of Metal and Horror, Landlocked, The Leech, Night Shift, One Road to Quartzite


Comicon thanks Not Your Final Girl for allowing us to premiere episodes of their podcast. The full Not Your Final Girl podcast archive can be found on Morbidly Beautiful’s official website,

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