Mobile Suit: Gundam is easily the biggest mech anime franchise to arrive thanks to Yoshiyuki Tomino and the anime studio Sunrise, first landing in the 1970s and since spawning countless anime series and movies. With Netflix currently working on live-action adaptations of the likes of Cowboy Bebop, One Piece, and Yu Yu Hakusho, the streaming service is set to jump into the pilot's seat for a new film diving into the universe of the Earth Federation and the Principality of Zeon with an upcoming live-action take on the world of Gundam, revealing the first concept art for the film.
While not many details have been revealed regarding the upcoming film, it will mark the first time that the world of Mobile Suit: Gundam has been brought into live-action when it comes to a major Hollywood studio. Set to be helmed by director Jordan Vogt-Roberts, perhaps best known for his work on Kong: Skull Island and The Kings of Summer, the director has also been working on an adaptation of the classic video game series of Metal Gear Solid. Though he has a full plate, this concept art certainly manages to capture the aesthetic of the most popular mech suit in all of anime.
Industrial Light & Magic shared the first concept art for the upcoming live-action Mobile Suit: Gundam movie, which will be a Netflix exclusive and will be bringing in the classic version of the major mech suit, the RX-78-2, which was originally piloted by Amuro of the Earth Federation in the war against the Principality of Zeon and its top pilot, Char:
Since first debuting in the 70s, Gundam has continued a white-hot streak of popularity, even going so far as to garner real life statues erected in Japan, with a "Walking Gundam" continuing to take steps in the Eastern country. The upcoming movie, which will see a partnership between the original anime studio Sunrise and the creative minds at Legendary Pictures, responsible for the MonsterVerse, has also brought on legendary comic book writer, Brian K. Vaughn, in writing the script and acting as an executive producer.
What do you think of this first look at the live-action world of Gundam? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of mobile suits.
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