Another round of posts to get you through the weekend and offer up a respite from whatever else you might be doing. So, grab a drink and a snack and why not catch up on ten popular posts from the world of comics, film, games and TV:
- Comic news first, and AfterShock announced a new series this week with Dogs of London. Read all about this one here.
- Brendan M. Allen brought us a sneak peek at Matt Miner And Clay McCormack’s Poser trade paperback here.
- The Observer/Cape/Comica graphic short story prize was announced and the winner was Astrid Goldsmith’s withA Funeral in Freiburg. Read more here.
- Tom Smithyman interviewed Rich Doeuk about Sea of Sorrows from IDW Publishing here.
- On the TV front, Frank Martin discussed the second season of Superman & Lois here.
- Regular film reviewer Rachel Bellwoar gave us her thoughts on the Blu-Ray release of Celia here.
- The big news form the gaming community was Sony’s acquirement of Bungie, brought to you by Sage Ashford here.
- Scott Redmond’s Retcons, Reboots and Resurrections looked at Marvel’s the Sentry here.
- Another regular column on here is Richard Bruton’s The Weekly 2000 AD here.
- And there was a few more regular columns too, with last weekend’s Something for the Weekend and Review Round Up doing well.
Right, that’s me done. well, except for something a little extra. This week I’ll leave you with the track ‘Kang’ from UK Hip Hop musicians Percy Filth featuring Juice Aleem, Twizzy and Bil Next:
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